Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Storm

A huge snow storm has hit most of Oklahoma. During the night we could hear freezing sleet falling and then the snow hit around four this morning. It is suppose to snow all day . It snows every winter but not this much in Oklahoma. Ususally, we get three to four inches at a time when it does snow. Predictions with this storm is around 10 inches in Muskogee and more as you travel north. This storm is breaking all records around here. The wind is blowing at about 35 miles an hour so we have a lot of drifts piling up.

Snow drift on our front porch.

The birds are feeding at the birdfeeders in our backyard. These are the blackbirds that fly by the thousands over our house every morning. A few of them have stopped to feed before they fly on north to their destination. They will fly back this way on their way to roost somewhere south of us around five this evening. Hopefully, these blackbirds will fly away soon so the smaller birds can feed.

Yesterday when the news was all about the coming snow storm we rented three movies and went to the bookstore and grocery store. As long as we have electricity then I'll be happy. We'll have plenty to entertain ourselves. Being retired has it's perks. We don't have to worry about getting out in this and going to work. Hope the weather where you are is better than what we are experiencing.



Anonymous said...

How will Rowdy make it to the bathroom?? poor thing :(
Well here in Florida we slept with the windows open..it is very pleasant, but We will head to Alaska on the 9th!!
So that will be a different story

2 Tramps said...

The weather you are having should be ours here out west - we have no snow but it is cold. Stay warm and safe. Soon this storm will just be a memory you talk about.

Ina in Alaska said...

Oh my that is a lot of snow for your area! You are at least prepared for a cozy day indoors. Enjoy!

We got about 5" last night and are expecting more today, Wednesday and Thursday. At least it is not icy, just downy and pleasant. I love to shovel walking paths in the yard through our snow for my dogs. Great exercise! xoxo

Anonymous said...

That looks like the kind of weather that we usually have. Stay inside and stay warm.

Unknown said...

Central FL is beautiful right now, but we will be moving north when we sell! They are getting bombarded now also! So.......I will have to always make sure we are ready for anything once we are up there!!!

Carol said...

This storm is certainly one for the record book!!! Beautiful as long as we can stay inside & admire it from the comfort of home! : )


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I've been watching the news and have seen your 'neck of the woods' and have thought about you. The storm is going to totally miss us here in Virginia--Stay safe and warm and I hope you're able to 'kinda' enjoy it--At least for me! :-)))