Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rowdy Says

              Can anyone out there in Blogland figure out what I'm doing? 

                               Hint:  It does not involve a snack.


Parsley said...


Oklahoma Granny said...

Looks like Rowdy is serenading you.

Unknown said...

Billy thinks Rowdy is singing to some music that is on the TV.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Barking at the TV.....


Anonymous said...

Baying at the moon.

Anonymous said...

Rowdy is singing, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear mama, Happy birthday to you!"

Happy Birthday, dearest of the dear. I love you!


Mandy's Pink Home said...

Hi Christine, thanks for all the lovely comments you leave me, yes you are right God will look after us all.....

Anonymous said...

He is either singing Happy Birthday or he is waiting for you to drop the treat you are holding :)

Lois Christensen said...

I think watching TV???