Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something Sinister This Way Comes

Since most of us here in the U.S. is experiencing frigid temperatures I thought I'd share one of my mother's oil paintings that she painted about six or seven years ago. I loved it the minute I saw it.

At first glance it's a beautiful snow scene with mountains and aspens and little snow bunnies huddled between the trees. But upon closer inspection you can see something sinister lurking close by. That shocked me when I realized what was about to happen to those poor little bunnies.

My mother not only had artistic talent but a little bit of mischievousness about her. When I asked her why she painted a wolf in the background she just smiled and said, "All of God's creatures have to eat." You have to admit, it does make the painting more interesting.



Inger said...

But you know, rabbits can and do get away. So, all is not lost for those two.--Inger

Unknown said...

I figured at least one got away. Beautiful painting!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting :)

The circle of life

Anonymous said...

The painting is beautiful. I am sure the bunnies got away.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello!! What a lovely treasure!! I really admire artists like your Mother whose paintings tell a subtle story--It really takes talent!! ...But I hope the bunnies got away too, or maybe chased the wolf away! :-))